West Penwith Gallery 
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Caption: DSCN0175
Matching Comments:
rstrower@info2go.co: i use 2 go 2 this chapel when i was a small girl iwas called clackworthy


Annie Louisa Watson
William Harris Watson
John W H Watson
Caption: Annie Louisa Watson William Harris Watson John W H Watson
Description: In Loving memory of Annie Louisa The beloved wife of J W H Watson, who died at Trevorian Farm, Sennen, July 1st 1918 Aged 37 years. We cannot Lord, Thy purpose see, But all is well, That's done by thee. Also of William Harris Beloved son of the above Who died at Sennen, April 20th 1925, Aged 11 years Gone but not forgotten. Also of John W H Watson, Beloved husband of the above Died at Praze July 15 1943, Aged 71 Years.


Obed Chappell
Ernest Chappell
Caption: Obed Chappell Ernest Chappell
Description: In Loving Memory of Obed The beloved husband of Margaret Chappell Who died Oct 27th 1909, Aged 50 Years. Also of their son Ernest, Who died at New Jersey, U.S.A. August 31, 1908, Aged 23 Years. Thy will be done.


William John Hollow
Caption: William John Hollow
Description: In Loving memory of William John Hollow, The beloved son of John and Mary H Hollow, who died at Treave, St Buryan. Nov 6th 1919, Aged 22 Years. We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee Never forgotten.


William Sampson Richard George
Mary Elizabeth George
Mary Gertrude George
Caption: William Sampson Richard George Mary Elizabeth George Mary Gertrude George
Description: In Loving Memory of William Sampson Richard George The beloved husband of Mary Elizabeth George, Who died at Trevore Praze, Crowsanwray, March 8th 1918, Aged 61 Years. Weep not dear wife, tears are in vain Thy husband thou shall meet again, I've gone but one short step before, To welcome thee on Zion's shore. Also of the above Mary Elizabeth George Who died Aug 27th 1931 Aged 83 Years. Asleep in Jesus. Also of Mary Gertrude. Daughter of the above Who fell asleep 20th Aug 1960, Aged 84 Years. In God's keeping.


William Warren
Grace Warren
Caption: William Warren Grace Warren
Description: In Loving Memory of William Warren Who died at Crows-An-Wra. February 4th 1922, Aged 73 years. "We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee." Also Grace Warren. Wife of the above Who died December 3rd 1931 Aged 83 Years. Until the day breaks, And the shadows flee away.


John Rowe
Rebecca Rowe
Jane Rowe
Henry Rowe
Thomas Rowe
William Rowe
Rebecca Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe
Nicholas Rowe
Jane Rowe
Annie Rowe
Caption: John Rowe Rebecca Rowe Jane Rowe Henry Rowe Thomas Rowe William Rowe Rebecca Rowe Elizabeth Rowe Nicholas Rowe Jane Rowe Annie Rowe
Description: In memory of John Rowe Aged 43 years And Rebecca his wife aged 61 years .. above Jane .. Henry .. Thomas 13 William 61 and daughter's of the above Rebecca, Aged 25 years Elizabeth, Aged 61 years and Nicholas & Jane who died in infancy. "Thy will be done." And daughter Annie Rowe, aged 76 years.


Edward Charles Rowe
William Arthur Rowe E.R.A.
Thomas Penrose Rowe
Elizabeth Ann Rowe
Thomas Penrose Rowe
Caption: Edward Charles Rowe William Arthur Rowe E.R.A. Thomas Penrose Rowe Elizabeth Ann Rowe Thomas Penrose Rowe
Description: Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now our loved ones sleeping In loving memory of Edward Charles Rowe, Who died at Carrallack Terrace, August 7th 1909, Aged 31 years. Also of William Arthur Rowe E.R.A., "HMS Grafton." Who died at Malta, June 22nd 1917, Aged 35 years. Beloved sons of Thomas P & Elizabeth A Rowe of "Salangar" Carrallack Terrace. Also of Thomas Penrose Rowe, Who died at Los Angeles, California, November 11th 1925, Aged 50 years. Also of Elizabeth Ann Rowe beloved mother of the above and wife of Thomas Penrose Rowe of "Selangor," Who died October 20th 1926. Aged 73 years. "Asleep in Jesus." Also of Thomas Penrose Rowe, the beloved husband & father of the above, who died Oct 7th 1927, aged 83 years. "Peace, perfect peace."


William Trembath
Ann Trembath
Caption: William Trembath Ann Trembath
Description: In Loving Memory of William Trembath, Who died at Dowran Lane, St Just, 18th Janry 1909, Aged 77 years. Also of Ann Trembath, Widow of the above who died at Kelynack, St Just, 2nd March 1912, aged 78 years. "Peace, perfect peace." Sleep, dearest sleep, thy work is o'er, Those loving hands shall toil no more, No more those tender eyes shall weep, Sleep, dearest parents, gently sleep, All sorrows stayed, all pain is o'er, Anguish and pain thou hast no more.


Elizabeth Ann Hicks
Thomas Hicks
Thomas Hicks
Caption: Elizabeth Ann Hicks Thomas Hicks Thomas Hicks
Description: Loving Memory of Elizabeth Ann beloved wife of Thomas Hicks, Who died at Pleasant Row, St Just, November 7th 1908, Aged 58 years. "Thy will be done." Also of the above Thomas Hicks, Who died at Carn Bosavern, St Just, March 23rd 1915 Aged 66 years. Also of Thomas, son of the above Who died at Johannesburg, February 7th 1903, Aged 32 years. "Gone to see the shining angels."


Thomas Hosking
Constance Hosking
Thomas Hosking
Caption: Thomas Hosking Constance Hosking Thomas Hosking
Description: In Loving Memory of Our Dear Parents Thomas Hosking Died 8th Jany 1891, Aged 51 Years. "Rock of Ages, Cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee." Constance Hosking Died 11th Sept 1895, Aged 54 years. "In my hand no price I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling." Also of Thomas, their son, who was accidently killed in Colorado, 21st April 1887, Aged 19 years. "And He hath put a new song in my mouth, Even praise unto our God."


Hazel Emily Halberstadt
Caption: Hazel Emily Halberstadt
Description: Hazel Emily Halberstadt 1909 - 1992 Father In thy Gracious Keeping Leave me now Thy servant sleeping


John Ellis Lawry
Dorothy Lawry
Caption: John Ellis Lawry Dorothy Lawry
Description: In Loving memory of John Ellis Lawry, Beloved husband of Dorothy, Died December 16th 1969, Aged 67 years. Also of his beloved wife Dorothy, Died August 24th 1984, Aged 75 years.


Mary Edith Marks
James Marks
Caption: Mary Edith Marks James Marks
Matching Comments:
Administrator (mark@hattam.co.uk): Whereas Thomas Penrose Marks would appear to be the son of a different James Marks
RG 13 / 2257 / ED 9 folio 76 page 5 schedule 26
James Marks, Head, M, 31, -, Stone Mason, Employer, St Just Cornwall
Mary Elizabeth Marks, Wife, M, -, 31, -, -, Sennen Cornwall
Vera Marks, Dau, -, -, 6, -, -, St Just Cornwall
Dorothy Marks, Dau, -, -, 5, -, -, St Just Cornwall
Edwin Marks, Son, -, 3, -, -, -, St Just Cornwall
Thomas Penrose Marks, Son, -, 2, -, -, -, St Just Cornwall


Richard Nicholas Grenfell
Violet May Grenfell
Caption: Richard Nicholas Grenfell Violet May Grenfell
Description: In Loving Memory of Richard Nicholas Dearly beloved husband of Violet May Grenfell. Who passed away Feb 23rd 1943, aged 43. Worthy of everlasting remembrance. Also of the above Violet May Grenfell Who died on May 15 1973 Aged 70 Years.


John Boldero
Dorothy Boldero
Caption: John Boldero Dorothy Boldero
Description: In Loving Memory John Boldero 1916 - 2000 And Dorothy Boldero nee Sincock 1919 - 2002


Alfred Leonard Clayton
Dorothy May Clayton
Caption: Alfred Leonard Clayton Dorothy May Clayton
Description: In Loving Memory of Alfred Leonard Clayton Who died 26th May 1987 Aged 72 A beloved Husband and Father. Also of Dorothy May Clayton Who died 15th April 2002 Aged 90. A devoted wife and mother.


Janette Harry
Dorothy Kemp
Caption: Janette Harry Dorothy Kemp
Description: In Dear Remembrance of Janette Harry, 1897 - 1978 beloved mother of John. "She lives in the hearts of those she loved." Also of her sister Dorothy Kemp, 1894 - 1981 One of our own.


Kenneth Anthony Brant
Caption: Kenneth Anthony Brant
Description: In Loving Memory Kenneth Anthony Brant. Who died 14th August 1970, Aged 45 years. A Dear Husband of Dorothy. And Father of David and Philip.


Wesley Rock Chapel, Heamoor
From Album:  West Penwith Gallery » Heamoor
Caption: Wesley Rock Chapel, Heamoor
Matching Comments:
Susan M. (Georgia, USA): I'm so happy to have found a photo of Wesley Rock Chapel! My great-great grandparents Samuel Penberthy and Wilmot Bryant Anthony were married in this church 3 April 1848 and sailed to New York in 1850.


Waves breaking at Priests Cove, Cape Cornwall with The Brisons in distance
Caption: Waves breaking at Priests Cove, Cape Cornwall with The Brisons in distance
Matching Comments:
cathycripp@aol.com: Loved these photos, I do miss the sea and all its moods!


John Grenfell
William Nicholls Grenfell
Caption: John Grenfell William Nicholls Grenfell
Description: In Loving Memory of John Grenfell, who spent 18 years in South Africa, Died at Pendeen, 13th Oct. 1910, Aged 41 Years. Also of his brother William Nicholls Grenfell, who died in South Africa, 9th Oct 1893, Aged 22 Years. The beloved sons of Richard & Nanny Grenfell. Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now our loved ones sleeping.


James Woolcock Angwin
Jane Angwin
John Angwin
Andrew Angwin
Grace Woolcock Angwin
Caption: James Woolcock Angwin Jane Angwin John Angwin Andrew Angwin Grace Woolcock Angwin
Description: In Loving Memory of James Woolcock Angwin Who died January 31st 1906 Aged 53 years. Also of Jane Angwin his wife Who died July 16th, 1907, Aged 49 years. And of their second son John died April 2nd 1957 Aged 64 years Thy will be done. Also their son Andrew, who died in U.S.A. May 12th 1971, aged 72 years. Also of their daughter Grace Woolcock Angwin, who died February 28th 1906 aged 9 years.


Elizabeth T Thomas Angwin
Caption: Elizabeth T Thomas Angwin
Description: In Loving Memory of Elizabeth T. Thomas, beloved wife of Edwin Angwin, who died at Trewellard, St Just January 6th 1893, aged 26 years. Quietly sleep beloved one, Rest from thy toil thy labour is done, Rest till the trump from the opening skies, Bids thee from dust to glory rise. Rest in the Lord.


Anna Dorothy Downing
Caption: Anna Dorothy Downing
Description: In Loving Memory of Anna Dorothy Downing of Community of St John The Baptist, Sancreed Born Warrington - 1st July 1925 Died Penzance - 6th May 2002 A Beautiful Lady Who lived for her Saviour Jesus "God, my exceeding joy" Ps.43:4


Margaret James
William Edward James
Caption: Margaret James William Edward James
Description: In Loving Memory of Margaret wife of W E James, Who died June 10th 1927, Aged 70 Years. Thy will be done. Also of William Edward James Who died July 6th 1930. Aged 67 Years. At Rest.


Beatrice Jago
Freda St George Jago
Beatrice Maud Jago
Caption: Beatrice Jago Freda St George Jago Beatrice Maud Jago
Description: In Loving Memory of our mother Beatrice Jago Born May 2nd 1867 Died March 7th 1926. Thy sleep shall be sweet, Also of their daughter Freda St George Jago Died 14th July 1972. Also of their daughter Beatrice May D Jago Died 5th Jan 1974 Aged 78 Years


Jane Margery Bailey
Mary Elizabeth Catherine Bailey
Dora Winifred Bailey
Iris Gwendoline Johns
Caroline Minnie Bailey
Caption: Jane Margery Bailey Mary Elizabeth Catherine Bailey Dora Winifred Bailey Iris Gwendoline Johns Caroline Minnie Bailey
Description: Jane Margery Bailey. 1889 - 1977. Thy loving kindness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. In Loving Memory of Mary Elizabeth Catherine Bailey, Entered into rest 10th December, 1925, Aged 70 Years. Also her daughter Dora Winifred Bailey, Died January 10th 1949, Aged 52. Also her daughter Iris Gwendoline Johns, Died May 6th 1933, Aged 49 Years. Also her daughter Caroline Minnie Bailey Died 23rd March 1964, Aged 75 Years.


Rev George Howard-Wright
Helen Palmer
Caption: Rev George Howard-Wright Helen Palmer
Description: In Loving Memory of Rev George Howard-Wright, Born June 1, 1845; Called to rest Easter Morning 1927. Also of Helen Palmer, widow, his second wife, Born Sept 26, 1869; To rest April 14, 1921. "Come soon Lord Jesus to raise thy sleepers and to reign."


Mary Reynolds
Elizabeth Hall Reynolds
Caption: Mary Reynolds Elizabeth Hall Reynolds
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary Reynolds born at Trewidden Vean, April 28th 1838, Departed this life, Nov 10th 1918. Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me, be with me where I am. St John 17 v24. Also of Elizabeth Hall Reynolds, Who died at Trewidden Vean, April 12th 1926. Aged 89 Years. Sleep on beloved, sleep, and take thy rest.


Mary Jane Olds
Caption: Mary Jane Olds
Description: In Loving Memory of Our dear mother Mary Jane Olds. widow of the late Peter Olds. Who died at Alexandra Terrace, Penzance, October 27th 1919, Aged 68 Years. Christ will gather in his own To the place where he is gone Where their hearts and treasures lie Where our life is hid on high. Thy will be done.


James A Harrington
Grace Harvey Harrington
Arthur Douglas Harrington
Eveline May Harrington
James Albert William Harrington
Ethel Rose Harrington
Caption: James A Harrington Grace Harvey Harrington Arthur Douglas Harrington Eveline May Harrington James Albert William Harrington Ethel Rose Harrington
Description: In Loving Memory of James A Harrington Beloved husband of Grace H Harrington Born at Kessingland Lowestoft Jan 26th 1864. Died at Penzance Dec 31st 1922, Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now our loved one sleeping. "Thy will be done." Also of Grace Harvey Harrington Died 29th March 1965 Aged 91 Years. Also of his children Arthur Douglas, and Eveline May, James Albert William, Ethel Rose Harrington Died 8th July 1985, Aged 90 Years.


Thomas Henry Williams
Annie Ruth Williams
Caption: Thomas Henry Williams Annie Ruth Williams
Description: In Loving Memory of Thomas Henry Williams Who died at Bejowans, Sancreed. August 6th 1939. Aged 69 Years. Also his wife Annie Ruth Williams Died 27th Jan 1966, Aged 91 Years. Thy will be done.


Ada Olive Jenkin
Elizabeth Anna Jenkin
Caption: Ada Olive Jenkin Elizabeth Anna Jenkin
Description: In Loving Memory of Our dear sister Ada Olive Jenkin. Died 4th July 1954. Aged 74 Years. Thy will be done. Also of Elizabeth Anna Jenkin. Sister of the above Died 11th January 1958. Aged 88 Years. At Rest.


Mary Jane Hattam
Henry Hattam
Mary Roberts Hattam
Caption: Mary Jane Hattam Henry Hattam Mary Roberts Hattam
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary Jane, beloved wife of Henry Hattam, Who fell asleep at Hendra, St Just, March 6th 1938, Aged 77 Years. Also of the above Henry Hattam, Who fell asleep Sept 16th 1949, Aged 85 Years. Also of their daughter Mary Roberts Hattam Died 23rd Jan 1980. Aged 77 Years. Father in thy gracious keeping Leave we now our loved ones sleeping


Jane Osborne
William P Osborne
Caption: Jane Osborne William P Osborne
Description: In Loving Memory of Jane The beloved wife of William P Osborne, Who died at Tremethick Cross, Madron 2nd July 1911, Aged 67 Years. We cannot, Lord, thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee. Also of the above named William P Osborne. The beloved husband of the above and of Elizabeth J Osborne, Who died at Tremethick Cross, Madron, 8th March 1919, Aged 74 Years. Rest in Peace.


Gabriel Hosken
Elizabeth Hosken
Caption: Gabriel Hosken Elizabeth Hosken
Description: Sacred to the memory of Gabriel Hosken Who departed this life July 16th 1874 Aged 59 Years. Also of Elizabeth his widow Who departed this life February 24th 1887 Aged 71 Years Thy will be done


Percy Thomas
Caption: Percy Thomas
Description: In Loving Memory of Percy Thomas, Youngest son of Robert, and the late Mary E Thomas, of Tregonebris, Sancreed, Who was accidentally killed whilst flying in Hampshire, on Thursday, February, 6th, 1919, Aged 22 Years. Thy will be done. R.A.F.


Susanna Orchard Rowe
John Dunstan Rowe
John Rowe
Caption: Susanna Orchard Rowe John Dunstan Rowe John Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Susanna Orchard, the beloved wife of John Rowe, of Bosvenning, Who died 24th Jan 1907, Aged 51 Years. Also of John Dunstan, their son Who died Oct 9th 1906, Aged 22 Years. "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away." Also of the above John Rowe, Who died July 2nd 1912, Aged 62 Years. "Thy will be done."


Mary Elizabeth Thomas
Robert Thomas
Caption: Mary Elizabeth Thomas Robert Thomas
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary Elizabeth, Beloved wife of Robert Thomas, of Tregonebris, Who died Jan 13th 1906. Aged 49 Years. Also of the above Robert Thomas. Who died Aug 3rd 1932 Aged 80 Years. Thy will be done.


Celia Josephine Pengelly
Grace Pengelly
Joseph Hocking Pengelly
Caption: Celia Josephine Pengelly Grace Pengelly Joseph Hocking Pengelly
Description: In Loving Memory of Celia Josephine, the beloved daughter of J H and G Pengelly, Who died at Lesbue, Sancreed, December 5th 1927. Aged 18 Years. "Thy will be done." In Sacred Memory of Grace, The beloved wife of J H Pengelly, Who died Feb 3rd 1937, Aged 66 Years. "God is love Also of the above Joseph Hocking Pengelly, Who died November 6th 1947, Aged 81 Years.


Edward Hosking
Mary Hosking
Caption: Edward Hosking Mary Hosking
Description: Sacred to the Memory of Edward Hosking who departed this life 15th of September 1860, Aged 64 Years. Why mourn my soul, thy partner fled O'er the dark river of the dead, To Canaan's happy shore? Rather anticipate the day When God shall summon thee away To meet and part no more. Also of Mary, his wife Who died April 10th 1887, Aged 84 Years. She has passed by grief for ever, and in Glory may she stand, Joy be hers that fadeth never, Jesu' Lord at thy right hand.


Thomas Warren
Mary Warren
Richard Thomas Warren
John Francis Warren
Richard Warren
Mary E Warren
Samuel Warren
Caption: Thomas Warren Mary Warren Richard Thomas Warren John Francis Warren Richard Warren Mary E Warren Samuel Warren
Description: In Memory Thomas Warren, of this parish, who died January 4th 1877, Aged 74 Years. Also of Mary his wife, who died July 4th 1876, Aged 71 Years. Also in loving memory of the darling children of Richard & Mary Warren, and grandchildren of the above Richard Thomas, died November 29th 1877, Aged 5 Years & 6 Months. John Francis, died November 30th 1877, Aged 2 Years & 10 Months. Darling boys thy days are ended, Little traveller's here below; Go by angel bands attended, To the arms of Jesus go. Also the above named Richard Warren Who fell asleep in Jesus April 2nd 1894, Aged 51 Years. We all do fade as a leaf. Mary E Warren widow of the above who died at Newbridge Jan 6th 1936 Aged 89 Years. Rest at last. Also of Samuel son of the above who died Oct 10th 1951 Aged 74 Years. In God's Keeping.


Edith Florence Munnings
Caption: Edith Florence Munnings
Matching Comments:
Jackie Wood: The book by Jonathan Swift about Florence is a worthy read. It is so emotionally charged and a really good read. Would make a brilliant film and would bring more people to know the tragic story. Please read if you are interested in art and tragedy. Thank you for posting this, having read the book, I didn't expect to be able to see something like this.


John Pengelly
Caption: John Pengelly
Description: In Loving Memory of John Pengelly of Lesbew, Sancreed, Who died February 1st 1888, Aged 71 Years. "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."


Naney Rowe
Philip Rowe
Caption: Naney Rowe Philip Rowe
Description: Sacred to the memory of Naney Rowe Who departed this life Sept 29th 1870, Aged 60 Years. Also Philip Rowe Who died Oct 16th 1849, Aged 2 Years & 6 Months. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?


John Trevorrow
Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow
Caption: John Trevorrow Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow
Description: In Loving Memory of John the beloved husband of Phyllis T Trevorrow who died at Cryor, St Just September 14th 1923, aged 50 years Thy will be done Also of the above Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow, who died March 3rd 1949, aged 79 years


St Just School in Cape Cornwall Street
Caption: St Just School in Cape Cornwall Street
Matching Comments:
Paul Barton: Teacher Lily Preston - I'm trying to find out about her husband Bob who served withy the RAF during the war. Before they married Lily was a dancer with the famous Tiller Girls. paul.barton2@talktalk.net


Wesleyan Chapel in St Just
Caption: Wesleyan Chapel in St Just
Matching Comments:
Marilyn Clatworthy: In undertaking my family history I have just discovered that my great great grandfather was the minister here in about 1853 - he was William Exton.


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