West Penwith Gallery 
Albums containing "row"

Highlight for album: Crows-An-Wra
Pictures of the Crows an Wra Methodist chapel and gravestones taken by Mark Hattam.
Images of Crows-An-Wra taken by Mark Hattam

Highlight for album: Nancherrow Terrace
Views of the houses in Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Photos containing "row" in caption, comment or name.

Caption: DSCN0175
Matching Comments:
rstrower@info2go.co: i use 2 go 2 this chapel when i was a small girl iwas called clackworthy


Caption: DSCN0166
Matching Comments:
rstrower@info2go.co.ck: thank you 4 puting the photos on the web i use 2 live here .ileft madron when i got married


Margaret Ann Rowe
George Rowe
Caption: Margaret Ann Rowe George Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Margaret Ann, Beloved wife of George Rowe, Who died Sept 19th 1941, Aged 62 years. Rest in peace Also of George Rowe, Who died 18th April 1959. Aged 82 years. Reunited.


Martha Rowe
John Rowe
Caption: Martha Rowe John Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Martha Rowe Who died at Carn Brea, April 11th 1923, Aged 56 years. "Peace, Perfect peace." Also of John Rowe, Who died at Tregwynver, August 13th 1927, Aged 73 years.


The Miners Arms, Nancherrow Terrace (Bank Square), St Just
Caption: The Miners Arms, Nancherrow Terrace (Bank Square), St Just
Matching Comments:
Jo and Dave: hi to Chris Brown and the Maker gis a call lost contact for a while 07745018280 x x x


The Star Inn, Fore Street, St Just
Caption: The Star Inn, Fore Street, St Just
Matching Comments:
Barry Quinnell: Interesting the "grubby" comment, it took years for the penny to drop with me, now I drive 300 miles about 12 - 15 times a year just to be in St Just, it is one of the friendliest places I have ever had the privelege to inhabit. The Star is a gem, if you have to be critical it should only be that the ale is served through a sparkler at too lower temperature. Go to St Just for Lafrowda, let yer hair down and take yer finger out of yer arse!!

J.C: Agree with you Barry. St Just is a friendly place to visit. Different though if you try to live there. I was born in St Just and lived there for over 40 years. Still visit relatives regularly and NEVER miss Lafrowda or Feast.

Plectrum: Lived in Nancherrow terrace for years & played guitar in the Star in (before Peter died ) & the "Wink".Don't half miss it .Wished I could contact all the friends I made eg Mike & Dave ,the "Kings "euchre people ,John Whiles ,Jim the melodian player & so many more .


Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel
Caption: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel
Description: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel


Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel
Caption: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel
Description: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel


Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel graveyard
Caption: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel graveyard
Description: Crows-An-Wra Methodist Chapel graveyard


Ethel Margaret Mason
John Mason
Caption: Ethel Margaret Mason John Mason
Description: In Loving Memory of Ethel Margaret The beloved wife of John Mason. Who died at St Andrew's Hospital Billericay, Essex. On June 9th 1955. Aged 76 years. Also of the above John Mason. Who died at Crows-an-Wra. On July 12th 1956. Aged 86 Years.


Rosina Jane Mann
Ada Gartrell Thomas
Caption: Rosina Jane Mann Ada Gartrell Thomas
Description: In Loving Memory of Rosina Jane beloved wife of Albert Mann, Who fell asleep at Rose Cottage St Buryan, May 24th 1935. Aged 58 Years. Also Ada Gartrell, beloved widow of the late Henry Thomas died March 13th 1959. Aged 79 Years. Sweetly our loved one is sleeping, Free from all sorrow & pain, When our life's journey is ended, Soon shall we meet her again.


Edward White
Jessie White
Caption: Edward White Jessie White
Description: In Loving Memory of Edward, The beloved husband of Jessie White, Who died at Crowsanwray St Buryan June 21st 1929, Aged 70 Years. Also of the above Jessie White. Who died at Bolankin, Jan 28th 1949, Aged 83 Years.


John Mann
Mary Mann
Caption: John Mann Mary Mann
Description: In Loving Memory of John Mann, Who departed this life at Roskrow House St Buryan, October 7th 1910, Aged 68 years. His end was peace. Also of Mary. Wife of the above Who died at Treave January 4th 1928 Aged 79 years. She did what she could.


John Treweeke Jelbart
Selby Jelbart
Phyllis Davey Jelbart
Caption: John Treweeke Jelbart Selby Jelbart Phyllis Davey Jelbart
Matching Comments:
lin : These are also my great grandparents and great uncle there is another inscription for Thomas henry on the back of the stone also great uncle and they are parents and brothers of my granny Helena augusta dungey (jelbert) buried in St Just
graveyard (headstone) there are other brothers/sisters listed check on Geni its free
john treweek jelbert was a mason he built the chapel at crows an wraa


William Sampson Richard George
Mary Elizabeth George
Mary Gertrude George
Caption: William Sampson Richard George Mary Elizabeth George Mary Gertrude George
Description: In Loving Memory of William Sampson Richard George The beloved husband of Mary Elizabeth George, Who died at Trevore Praze, Crowsanwray, March 8th 1918, Aged 61 Years. Weep not dear wife, tears are in vain Thy husband thou shall meet again, I've gone but one short step before, To welcome thee on Zion's shore. Also of the above Mary Elizabeth George Who died Aug 27th 1931 Aged 83 Years. Asleep in Jesus. Also of Mary Gertrude. Daughter of the above Who fell asleep 20th Aug 1960, Aged 84 Years. In God's keeping.


William Warren
Grace Warren
Caption: William Warren Grace Warren
Description: In Loving Memory of William Warren Who died at Crows-An-Wra. February 4th 1922, Aged 73 years. "We cannot Lord thy purpose see But all is well that's done by thee." Also Grace Warren. Wife of the above Who died December 3rd 1931 Aged 83 Years. Until the day breaks, And the shadows flee away.


Jane Rowe Hicks
Caption: Jane Rowe Hicks
Description: In Loving Memory of Jane Rowe Hicks, Who died at Tredinney, St Buryan, March 13th 1928, Aged 76 Years. Rest in Peace.


Philadelpia Lavers
Caption: Philadelpia Lavers
Description: In Loving Memory of Philadelpia Lavers, Who died at Crows-An-Wray, St Buryan, March 27th 1929, Aged 82 Years. At Rest.


John Rowe
Rebecca Rowe
Jane Rowe
Henry Rowe
Thomas Rowe
William Rowe
Rebecca Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe
Nicholas Rowe
Jane Rowe
Annie Rowe
Caption: John Rowe Rebecca Rowe Jane Rowe Henry Rowe Thomas Rowe William Rowe Rebecca Rowe Elizabeth Rowe Nicholas Rowe Jane Rowe Annie Rowe
Description: In memory of John Rowe Aged 43 years And Rebecca his wife aged 61 years .. above Jane .. Henry .. Thomas 13 William 61 and daughter's of the above Rebecca, Aged 25 years Elizabeth, Aged 61 years and Nicholas & Jane who died in infancy. "Thy will be done." And daughter Annie Rowe, aged 76 years.


James Henry Thomas
James Henry Thomas
Bessie Thomas
Caption: James Henry Thomas James Henry Thomas Bessie Thomas
Description: In Loving Memory of James Henry dearly beloved son of James H & Bessie Thomas who was drowned at Swansea August 20th 1912 Aged 10 years The angel came and took me when but a little boy But he took me dearest mother to the land of eternal joy. Also of the above James Henry Thomas, who entered unto rest June 16th 1914, Aged 47 years. Though death divides fond memory clings. Also of the above Bessie who fell asleep March 20th 1956 Aged 86 years Heavenly love abiding.


Edward Charles Rowe
William Arthur Rowe E.R.A.
Thomas Penrose Rowe
Elizabeth Ann Rowe
Thomas Penrose Rowe
Caption: Edward Charles Rowe William Arthur Rowe E.R.A. Thomas Penrose Rowe Elizabeth Ann Rowe Thomas Penrose Rowe
Description: Father in thy gracious keeping leave we now our loved ones sleeping In loving memory of Edward Charles Rowe, Who died at Carrallack Terrace, August 7th 1909, Aged 31 years. Also of William Arthur Rowe E.R.A., "HMS Grafton." Who died at Malta, June 22nd 1917, Aged 35 years. Beloved sons of Thomas P & Elizabeth A Rowe of "Salangar" Carrallack Terrace. Also of Thomas Penrose Rowe, Who died at Los Angeles, California, November 11th 1925, Aged 50 years. Also of Elizabeth Ann Rowe beloved mother of the above and wife of Thomas Penrose Rowe of "Selangor," Who died October 20th 1926. Aged 73 years. "Asleep in Jesus." Also of Thomas Penrose Rowe, the beloved husband & father of the above, who died Oct 7th 1927, aged 83 years. "Peace, perfect peace."


Thomas Trevorrow
Caroline Trevorrow
John Wallis
Caption: Thomas Trevorrow Caroline Trevorrow John Wallis
Description: In loving memory of Thomas Trevorrow Who died June 15th 1909 Aged 61 years. Also of Caroline, his wife who lost her life on the S.S. Lusitahia May 7th 1915 Aged 62 years In memory of John, beloved husband of Margaret Wallis, died August 6th 1951. aged 76 years.


William Trembath
Ann Trembath
Caption: William Trembath Ann Trembath
Description: In Loving Memory of William Trembath, Who died at Dowran Lane, St Just, 18th Janry 1909, Aged 77 years. Also of Ann Trembath, Widow of the above who died at Kelynack, St Just, 2nd March 1912, aged 78 years. "Peace, perfect peace." Sleep, dearest sleep, thy work is o'er, Those loving hands shall toil no more, No more those tender eyes shall weep, Sleep, dearest parents, gently sleep, All sorrows stayed, all pain is o'er, Anguish and pain thou hast no more.


Martha James Thomas
Caption: Martha James Thomas
Description: In Loving Memory of Martha James Thomas Died 12th Jan 1909, Aged 77 years. The beloved wife of John Thomas, of Victoria Row.


Elizabeth Ann Hicks
Thomas Hicks
Thomas Hicks
Caption: Elizabeth Ann Hicks Thomas Hicks Thomas Hicks
Description: Loving Memory of Elizabeth Ann beloved wife of Thomas Hicks, Who died at Pleasant Row, St Just, November 7th 1908, Aged 58 years. "Thy will be done." Also of the above Thomas Hicks, Who died at Carn Bosavern, St Just, March 23rd 1915 Aged 66 years. Also of Thomas, son of the above Who died at Johannesburg, February 7th 1903, Aged 32 years. "Gone to see the shining angels."


Janie Baker Rowe
John Rowe
Caption: Janie Baker Rowe John Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Janie Baker, the beloved wife of John Rowe, and daughter of James B & Elizabeth Williams, who died at Camborne 14th September 1911, Aged 47 years. And in dearest memory of John Rowe, who passed over on Jany 26th 1929, Aged 65 years. Life's work well done.


Martin Rowe
Catherine Buckett
Caption: Martin Rowe Catherine Buckett
Description: In Loving Memory of Martin Rowe who Died August 11th, 1898, Aged 62 years. Them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Also of Catherine, wife of Thomas Buckett, (and widow of the above) Who died 21st January 1907, Aged 68 years.


Louisa Rowe
James Rowe
George Hocking Rowe
John Rowe M.I.C.E.
Caption: Louisa Rowe James Rowe George Hocking Rowe John Rowe M.I.C.E.
Description: In affectionate remembrance of Louisa, the beloved wife of John Rowe, M.I.C.E. who died Janry 10th 1882, aged 66 years. Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord Also of James their son who died in India, March 13th 1885, Aged 26 years. Also of George Hocking their son who died April 29th 1890, Aged 44 years. Also of the above named John Rowe, M.I.C.E. Who died May 7th 1907, Aged 91 years. His end was peace.


James Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe
Caption: James Rowe Elizabeth Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of James Rowe, Who died August 12th 1879, Aged 41 years. Also of Elizabeth, his wife Who died Feby 1st 1906, Aged 67 years. "until the day break, and the shadows flee away."


R M Rowe
Caption: R M Rowe
Description: Royal Corps of Signals 5439320 Driver R M Rowe Royal Signals 15th August 1945 Age 26 In everloving memory of my beloved husband his devoted wife and son Keith.


Tidworth Military Cemetery
Caption: Tidworth Military Cemetery Wiltshire England
Matching Comments:
Mark: The small markers are soldiers and their dependants buried between the wars and before WW1. The Military hospital did the cemetery administration in those days. I can only assume that the family had to pay for the headstone and could not afford it.
The markers and borders have been down for about ten years now, before which small lead markers was used but had sunk and the grass grown over them.

Hope this helps

Mark (Cemetery caretaker)


Charles Hattam
Mary J Hattam
Caption: Charles Hattam Mary J Hattam
Description: In Loving Memory of Charles Hattam The beloved husband of Mary J Hattam of Bosvenning Farm Sancreed Who died November 21st 1922 Aged 48 years Oh how we miss him, sadly miss him, Sorrowing hearts alone can tell, Earth has lost him, Heaven has found him Jesus has done all things well. Also of the above Mary J Hattam Who died Jan 4th 1961 aged 81 years


Margaret Rowe
Howard Rowe
Caption: Margaret Rowe Howard Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Margaret Rowe Beloved wife of Howard Who died 23rd October 1988, Aged 59 years Also her beloved Husband Howard Rowe Died 1st December 2001 Aged 75 years.


Rowan Pia Fraser
Caption: Rowan Pia Fraser
Description: Rowan Pia Fraser 1st Jan 89 23rd Feb


Mary Gilbert Rowe
Caption: Mary Gilbert Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary Gilbert. Beloved wife of William Rowe. Who died July 8th 1964. Aged 80 Years.


Arthur Raymond Hill
Caption: Arthur Raymond Hill
Description: In Loving Memory Of Arthur Raymond. Beloved Husband Of Ellen Hill. Beloved Father Of Rowland, David, Hugh, and Mylene. Died 24th January 1969 Aged 55 years. To Grandad From his Grand Children


Nicholas Rowe
Caption: Nicholas Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Nicholas Rowe Died February 23rd 1948, Aged 81 Years.


Pascoe Hocking
Caption: Pascoe Hocking
Matching Comments:
Barbara Prowse: Go to the graveyard behind the Parish church and you'll find a huge Pascoe Hocking gravestone. It commemorates Pascoe's ancestor, 100 years before. The original Pascoe Hocking, his wife Mary Veale Hocking and all his children.


Rebecca Hill Rowe
Caption: Rebecca Hill Rowe
Description: In Ever Loving Memory of Rebecca Hill Rowe (Rebbie) Died 15 April 1998 Aged 81 years. Dear Wife, Mother & Grandmother.


Joseph Nicholas Trevorrow
Caption: Joseph Nicholas Trevorrow
Description: In Loving Memory of Joseph Nicholas Trevorrow Died March 31st 1999 Aged 90.


Vivian Rowe
Caption: Vivian Rowe
Description: Treasured Memories of Vivian Rowe Born 21.6.1930 Died 31.5.2000 Loving and Cherished Husband of Mary And a Dearly Loved Dad and Poppa


Richard Rowe Nicholls
Caption: Richard Rowe Nicholls
Description: Precious Memories of my beloved Husband Richard Rowe Nicholls who passed away 13th April 1987, aged 62. Sadly missed by his devoted wife Minerva Till we meet again.


Christopher Waters
Susan Claire Bakewell
Alison Waters
Caption: Christopher Waters Susan Claire Bakewell Alison Waters
Matching Comments:
H Bakewell: I'm Susan's daughter.

I never had the chance to meet Christopher. I remember not being able to believe the way he died when my Grandfather told me as a child. And now he is gone too. Alison was lovely, but growing up no one explained to me how sick she was.

I don't think I will ever be able to forgive my mother for the neglect and pain she caused me as an Alcoholic.


Thirza R Crowle
Caption: Thirza R Crowle
Description: In Loving memory of Mother. Thirza R Crowle Who died on 13th April 1978. Aged 94 years. R.I.P.


Ashley Prowse
Mary Phyllis Prowse
Caption: Ashley Prowse Mary Phyllis Prowse
Description: In loving memory of Ashley Prowse who passed away July 3rd 1981, aged 72 years. Also his beloved wife Mary Phyllis who passed away February 20th 2000 aged 83 years You will remain forever in our hearts


Isbella Rowe Eddy
Richard Percival Eddy
Caption: Isbella Rowe Eddy Richard Percival Eddy
Description: Isbella Rowe Eddy 1905 - 1987 Also her beloved husband Richard Percival Eddy Died 9th Dec 1995 Aged 93 Years R.I.P.


Michael Howard Rowe
Caption: Michael Howard Rowe
Description: In Treasured Memory of Michael Howard Dearly loved son of Joan and Ivan Rowe, Died Dec 24th 1979, Aged 18 years. Remembered By Friends At Farm Industries.


Michael Howard Rowe
Caption: Michael Howard Rowe
Description: In Treasured Memory of Michael Howard Dearly loved son of Joan and Ivan Rowe, Died Dec 24th 1979, Aged 18 years. Remembered By Friends At Farm Industries.


Nurse Mildred Westlake
Amelia Irene Perrow
Caption: Nurse Mildred Westlake Amelia Irene Perrow
Description: In Memory of Nurse Mildred Westlake Who died Feb 24th 1976 Aged 87 years A peaceful rest Also her Sister Amelia Irene Perrow Who died Jan 17th 1983 Aged 89 years


Stefan (Steve) Surowiec
Beryl Surowiec
Caption: Stefan (Steve) Surowiec Beryl Surowiec
Description: Treasured Memories of Stefan (Steve) Surowiec Dear Dad of Mark Died 13th Sept 1982 Aged 58 Also Beryl Loving Mum of Mark & Jason Died 22nd July 1983 Aged 54


Nancherrow Studio, St Just
Caption: Nancherrow Studio, St Just

? house, Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Caption: ? house, Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Matching Comments:
David Eddy: My Grandfathers family are from this area -
James Eddy my Great Great Grandfather married Margaret Grose. James was a Grocer and Draper in Pendeen. They had my Great Grandfather William Patrick Eddy, Jane Williams Eddy and James Williams Eddy - two daughters, Margaret Pee Tregear Eddy and Margaret Eddy died as infants.

James Williams Eddy was a Carpenters Assistant to his Uncle William Rowe Eddy as a boy - I gather he used to live at Nancherrow until 1940?


General view of Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Caption: General view of Nancherrow Terrace, St Just

General view of Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Caption: General view of Nancherrow Terrace, St Just

Top two houses in Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Caption: Top two houses in Nancherrow Terrace, St Just
Matching Comments:
Smith: 24, Nancherrow Terrace (on the left) - that's my old house!


View from Nancherrow Terrace towards Bank Square, St Just
Caption: View from Nancherrow Terrace towards Bank Square, St Just

Samuel H. Bone
William G Brooking
Richard Curnow
John H Davey
Richard Grenfell
Noah Harvey
Nicholas D Hosking
William G Jilbert
James Lanyon
Edward T Lawry
Benjamin Matthews
William T G Matthews
Charles Pryor
John O Reseigh
Matthias A Rodda
James Trathen
William Trembath
Harold Treverrow
Gregory Trudgeon
Richard Warren
William H Waters
Garfield Whitta
John H Williams
William M Ellis
Hugh Oats
Peter A James
William Eddy
Sister Rita M Bennetts
Ian W Fraser
Theodore Grenon
Ian B Sowerby
Frederick Stinton
Richard H Waters
Joseph A Webber
William T Whitta
James P C Wilkinson
Caption: Samuel H. Bone William G Brooking Richard Curnow John H Davey Richard Grenfell Noah Harvey Nicholas D Hosking William G Jilbert James Lanyon Edward T Lawry Benjamin Matthews William T G Matthews Charles Pryor John O Reseigh Matthias A Rodda James Trathen William Trembath Harold Treverrow Gregory Trudgeon Richard Warren William H Waters Garfield Whitta John H Williams William M Ellis Hugh Oats Peter A James William Eddy Sister Rita M Bennetts Ian W Fraser Theodore Grenon Ian B Sowerby Frederick Stinton Richard H Waters Joseph A Webber William T Whitta James P C Wilkinson
Description: In Loving Memory of all those who went forth from the Parish of Pendeen and especially of those who laid down their lives in The Great War 1914-1919 For the cause of liberty and righteousness. "Their name liveth for evermore." Samuel H. Bone William G Brooking Richard Curnow John H Davey Richard Grenfell Noah Harvey Nicholas D Hosking William G Jilbert James Lanyon Edward T Lawry Benjamin Matthews William T G Matthews Charles Pryor John O Reseigh Matthias A Rodda James Trathen William Trembath Harold Treverrow Gregory Trudgeon Richard Warren William H Waters Garfield Whitta John H Williams William M Ellis Hugh Oats Missing Peter A James William Eddy Sister Rita M Bennetts 1939-1945 In thankful remembrance of Ian W Fraser Theodore Grenon Ian B Sowerby Frederick Stinton Richard H Waters Joseph A Webber William T Whitta James P C Wilkinson who gave their lives in the Second World War. Dedicated by the Lord Bishop of Truro June 19, 1920.


Julia Prowse
William Thomas Prowse
Caption: Julia Prowse William Thomas Prowse
Description: In Loving Memory of Julia Beloved wife of William Thomas Prowse and Mother of Ruth. Died Dec 18th 1975, Aged 77 Years. Also her beloved husband William Thomas, Died Dec 30th 1987, Aged 88 Years. Loving father of Ruth.


John Clemens Rowe
Priscilla Caroline (Trixie) Rowe
Caption: John Clemens Rowe Priscilla Caroline (Trixie) Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of John Clemens Rowe, of Chiverton Who died Oct 14th 1990, Aged 82 years. Also his dear wife Priscilla Caroline (Trixie) Who died June 6th 1998, Aged 87 years. Devoted parents and Loving grandparents. Together again


Leisha Rowe
Caption: Leisha Rowe
Description: In loving memory of Leisha Rowe 20 APril 1975 - 15 October 1998 A special person who gave her all With a lovely smile and infectious giggle She touched so many hearts A beautiful soul We love and miss you


Reginald Hugh Cadman
Alice Nuttall Cadman
Caption: Reginald Hugh Cadman Alice Nuttall Cadman
Description: In Loving Memory of Reginald Hugh Cadman LL.M. of Drift Vicar of Paul 1966-82. Rural Dean of Penwith. Chaplain Penlee Lifeboat Solomon Browne. Born Salford 29-10-1909. Ordained Manchester 1934. Died 6-9-1995. "Also his devoted wife Alice Nuttall Cadman Born Padiham 1-4-31 Died 13-12-99. A proud Lancastrian."


Ivor James Rowe
Caption: Ivor James Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Ivor James Rowe Died Jan 28th 2002 Aged 69 years Rest in Peace


Alexander Rowe Marrack
Caption: Alexander Rowe Marrack
Description: Alexander Rowe Marrack Died Sept 1846 Aged 48


Mary Martha Rowe
Richard James Rowe
Caption: Mary Martha Rowe Richard James Rowe
Description: The Lord is my Shepherd In Loving Memory of Mary Martha Rowe 13 June 1909 - 3 Feb 1993. Richard James Rowe 16 April 1909 - 15 Aug 1999.


Mary R Rowe
Caption: Mary R Rowe
Description: Mary R Rowe, Died At Praze April 4 1932, Aged 70 Years.


Eliza Hall
William White Hall
Caption: Eliza Hall William White Hall
Description: In Loving Memory of Eliza, The dearly beloved wife of William White Hall, Who died November 12th, 1924, Aged 85 Years. "When sorrowing o'er her grave I bend Which covers what was once a friend, And from her hand, her voice, her smile Divides us for a little while." Also of the above William White Hall, Who died February 28th, 1933, Aged 88 Years. "In the land where all is sunshine Where no earthly shadows come He hath met the grand reception Of a Saviour's welcome home."


George Edwin Oates
William James Oates
Edward Oliver Try
Caption: George Edwin Oates William James Oates Edward Oliver Try
Description: In Loving Memory of George Edwin Oates Who died at Ennistreven Sancreed Dec 25th 1922 Aged 37 Years. Also of William James his son who died in infancy Just when his life brightest Just when hopes were best He was called from this world of sorrow To a hope of eternal rest And his son in law Edward Oliver Try 12th January 1909 21st December 1997 Beloved husband of Edith


James Stevens
Honor Edwards Stevens
Caption: James Stevens Honor Edwards Stevens
Matching Comments:
Ann Head: Honor Edwards Stevens was the daughter of Honor Edwards and John Stevens (tin miner), and was born in Trowan, near St.Ives in 1851. Her sister, Elizabeth, was my great-great-grandmother.


Caroline Rowe
John Rowe
Caption: Caroline Rowe John Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Caroline, Beloved wife of John Rowe, Died at Chiverton, Oct 10th 1937, Aged 57 Years. Also of John, Beloved husband of the above Died Feb 2nd 1955 aged 75 years.


Lily Rowe
Richard Henry Rowe
Caption: Lily Rowe Richard Henry Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Lily Rowe. Died Jan 25th 1944, Aged 59 Years. Also of her husband Richard Henry. Died Dec 5th 1948, Aged 63 Years. Reunited.


Walter Thomas Rowe
Maud Rowe
Caption: Walter Thomas Rowe Maud Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Walter Thomas Rowe Who died 26th December 1955, Aged 67 Years, "Triumphant after death." Also of Maud. His beloved wife Who died 28th April 1960, Aged 73 Years. At Rest.


Mary Frances Lawry
John Oates Lawry
Frances Lawry
Caption: Mary Frances Lawry John Oates Lawry Frances Lawry
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary Frances The beloved and only child of John Oates and Frances Lawry. Of Trannack Mill Sancreed Who died July 4th 1936 Aged 14 Years. Just when her life was brightest, Just when her hopes were best, She was called from this world of sorrow, To a home of eternal rest. Also of the above John Oates Lawry Who died Sept 23rd 1961 aged 67 Years. Also of Frances Lawry Who died Nov 21 1973, aged 78 Years.


William John James Rowe
Amelia Cornish Rowe
Caption: William John James Rowe Amelia Cornish Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of William John James Rowe, Who died April 4th 1942, Aged 63 Years. Also of his wife Amelia Cornish Rowe, Who died Jan 5th 1963, Aged 81 Years.


John Rowe
Mary Elizabeth Rowe
Mary Rowe
Caption: John Rowe Mary Elizabeth Rowe Mary Rowe
Description: The Wesleyan friends at New Bridge erect this memorial to Mary E Rowe of Bosvenning. As a mark of gratitude For faithful services. In Loving Memory of John Rowe, of this parish, Who died Jan 29th 1859, Aged 51 Years. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." Also of Mary Elizabeth, his youngest daughter who died Dec 2nd 1889 Aged 34 Years. "He giveth his beloved sleep." Also of Mary, Wife of the above Who died May 6th 1890, Aged 69 Years Them which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him


Susanna Orchard Rowe
John Dunstan Rowe
John Rowe
Caption: Susanna Orchard Rowe John Dunstan Rowe John Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Susanna Orchard, the beloved wife of John Rowe, of Bosvenning, Who died 24th Jan 1907, Aged 51 Years. Also of John Dunstan, their son Who died Oct 9th 1906, Aged 22 Years. "Until the day break, and the shadows flee away." Also of the above John Rowe, Who died July 2nd 1912, Aged 62 Years. "Thy will be done."


Michael Rowe
Mary Rowe
Caption: Michael Rowe Mary Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Michael Rowe, the Beloved husband of Mary Rowe Who died at 3 Morrab Place Penzance. 4th February 1897 Aged 64 Years He is gone but not forgotten, Never shall his memory fade, Sweetest thoughts shall ever linger Round the spot where he is laid. Also of the above Mary Rowe, his widow who died at 3 Morrab Place, Penzance, 4th February 1903, Aged 62 Years. Her end was peace.


John Hall
Elizabeth Hall
H Newton
Caption: John Hall Elizabeth Hall H Newton
Description: In Memory of John Hall, Who died at Bothog Crowan, Jan 1st 1889, Aged 76 Years. Also of Elizabeth, wife of the above Who also died at Bothog, April 12th 1888, Aged 72 Years. Also of their grandson H Newton, One of the fallen in the Great War. Rest in Peace.


Michael Rowe
Ann Rowe
Caption: Michael Rowe Ann Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Michael Rowe, Who died at Bolankin, St Buryan, February 1st, 1876, Aged 70 Years. "Be ye also ready: for in such an hour As ye think not the son of man cometh." Also of Ann, his wife Who died Feb 3rd, 1884, Aged 80 Years.


Mary Rowe
Jane Rowe
Caption: Mary Rowe Jane Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Mary, daughter of Michael and Ann Rowe of Bolankin, St Buryan, Who died April 6th, 1878, Aged 36 Years. Also of Jane, their daughter Who died at Penzance, April 26th, 1889, Aged 45 Years.


John Rowe
Elizabeth Rowe
Caption: John Rowe Elizabeth Rowe
Description: In Memory of John Rowe, of this parish who died at Crowan August 2nd, 1867, Aged 77 Years. Also of Elizabeth his wife who died March 28 1874, Aged 80 years. Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord.


Margaret Jane Rowe
Hannibal Rowe
Caption: Margaret Jane Rowe Hannibal Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of Margaret Jane Rowe, Who died at Trevean, in the parish of Sancreed, June 7th 1902, Aged 49 Years. Gone to be with Christ. Also of Hannibal Rowe, Late of Trevean - - Husband of the above Who died at Praze, Crowan, on October the 19th 1928, Aged 78 Years. A race well run, and victory won.


John Victor
Caption: John Victor
Description: Sacred to the Memory of John Victor son of John and Ann Victor of this parish who was drowned in Gwavas Lake near Newlyn on the 2nd day of ... 1808 in the 18th Year of his age. .. ..


Naney Rowe
Philip Rowe
Caption: Naney Rowe Philip Rowe
Description: Sacred to the memory of Naney Rowe Who departed this life Sept 29th 1870, Aged 60 Years. Also Philip Rowe Who died Oct 16th 1849, Aged 2 Years & 6 Months. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?


William Rowe
Caption: William Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of William Rowe, of this parish Who died Feb 1st 1882, Aged 70 Years. "Jesus Christ hath tasted death For every man."


William Rowe
Mary Rowe
Caption: William Rowe Mary Rowe
Description: In Loving Memory of William Rowe, of Paul, Who died Sept 22nd, 1880, Aged 70 Years. Also of Mary, his beloved wife, Who died June 21st, 1875, Aged 65 Years. Blessed are the dead which die in The Lord.


James Rowe
Catherine Rowe
Caption: James Rowe Catherine Rowe
Description: Sacred to the memory of James Rowe of this parish Who died Dec 11th 1862, Aged 65 Years. Also of Catherine, his wife Who died April 25th 1865, Aged 77 Years Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.


Michael Rowe
Caption: Michael Rowe
Description: .. .. the body .. Michael Rowe .. of this parish


Laura Jane Oats
Wilfred Clarance Oats
Caption: Laura Jane Oats Wilfred Clarance Oats
Matching Comments:
Administrator (mark@hattam.co.uk): and their marriage, GRO ref
1880 Jun Penzance 5c 332
James Richard Oats
Alma Jane Rowe


Mary Trevorrow
Caption: Mary Trevorrow
Matching Comments:

Patti: Is Mary the mother of Thomas Trevorrow who died June 15 1909?

Description: In Loving Memory of Mary the beloved wife of William Trevorrow who died at Tregerest, May 6th 1908 aged 60 years A light is from the household gone A voice we loved is still A place is vacant in our home Which never can be filled.


John Trevorrow
Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow
Caption: John Trevorrow Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow
Description: In Loving Memory of John the beloved husband of Phyllis T Trevorrow who died at Cryor, St Just September 14th 1923, aged 50 years Thy will be done Also of the above Phyllis Thomas Trevorrow, who died March 3rd 1949, aged 79 years


Phillippa Jane North
Marion North
Eddie North
James R North
Samuel James North
Josiah John Prowse
Clara Jane Prowse
Florence Mabel North
Caption: Phillippa Jane North Marion North Eddie North James R North Samuel James North Josiah John Prowse Clara Jane Prowse Florence Mabel North
Matching Comments:
David. L. Prowse Darwin. Australia: It was a pleasant surprise to find a Photo of the grave of Josiah and Clara Prowse (nee North). I had just added these two people today 01/Aug/ 2016 to my family tree and was searching their burial place.Thank you for taking the time to post photos
Regards Dave

Description: In Loving Memory of Phillippa Jane. beloved wife of James R North, Died March 5th 1920, aged 54 years. Also their daughter Marion, died Jan 10th 1929, aged 22 years. And their son Eddie, died Sep 14th 1952, aged 54 years. James R. husband of F. M. North, died May 16th 1960, aged 90 years. also Samuel James North, died April 26th 1975, aged 78 years. In Loving Memory of Josiah John Prowse, died May 11th 1957, aged 65 years. Also of his wife Clara Jane, died March 28th 1964, aged 71 years. Also of Florence Mabel North, Died Feby 11th 1983 - aged 86 years.


Adeline Prowse
Robert Prowse
Caption: Adeline Prowse Robert Prowse
Description: In Loving Memory of Adeline Prowse, beloved wife of Robert. Died 1st April 1984, aged 76 years. Also Robert beloved husband of the above, died 24th Sept 1986. Aged 85 years.


Bessie Ann Ellis
William Ellis
Caption: Bessie Ann Ellis William Ellis
Description: In Loving Memory of Bessie Ann Ellis. Died June 16th 1924, aged 53 years. Also of William Ellis Died Aug 26th 1933, aged 64 years. To fall asleep is not to die, To dwell with Christ is better life. In Loving Memory of my dear husband William Ellis from his sorrowful wife Bessie for ever with the Lord


Pleasant Terrace, St Just
Caption: Pleasant Terrace, St Just
Matching Comments:
Kay Ryan - West Sussex: My mum was born in Pleasant Row in 1921 (that's the address on her birth certificate - no house number given. Is Pleasant Row now called Pleasant Terrace? We are coming down to St Just tomorrow on holiday to try & find where she was born. Her dad was based at Lands End Radio.

Mark: Yes ... it's the same row of houses.


St Just School in Cape Cornwall Street
Caption: St Just School in Cape Cornwall Street
Matching Comments:
Brian Rowe: I joined Cape Cornwall in 1960,after leaving Carnyorth CP, Mr Curnow was Headmaster, loved my time there.


Wider view of St Just from Carn Bosavern
Caption: Wider view of St Just from Carn Bosavern
Matching Comments:
john taylor: Visited St Just in 2005 to investigate family history. Richard Taylor b1791 had 3 houses in Pleasant Row. Taylors before him lived in St Just back to at least 1573.Intermingled with Eddy,Tregear and Chenhalls.


St Just Parish Church noticeboard
Caption: St Just Parish Church noticeboard
Matching Comments:
Patti : I'm researching the Wallis, Trevorrow's and Pauls of St Just.


Carn Bosavern (long row) ... behind St Just Garage
Caption: Carn Bosavern (long row) ... behind St Just Garage
Matching Comments:
Louise Kubler nee Lawry: I have very fond memories of all around this area, I lived down Nancherrow, in the house behind the shop that I believe is now a craft /art shop, I left in 54 to live in Australia but now live in New Zealand, my Aunty still lives at Carn Bosavern !!!

Barbara Prowse: In the late 1980s I fell in love with St Just and especially Carn Bosavern. Now I live in this row, walk straight along this pathway..... Cottage cold and damp. But bliss!!

Ken Johns: Row of houses is behind Carn Bosavern Garage.
St.Just Garage is in Fore Street.


Barbara swainston: I was billeted during ww2 at no. 18 carn bosavern with a Mrs Rowe who had a daughter living in South Africa. The house was situated overlooking what was then the drill hall, where dances were held. My bedroom was at the front and I could listen to the music as I lay in bed. I was friendly with a girl called Adrienne who I think also lived on the carn.


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