Tregerest Cemetery  
James Olds
Kate Olds
Harriet Ross

James Olds
Kate Olds
Harriet Ross

Description : In
Memory of
James Olds
Prospect Place, Sancreed
Died May 25th 1917,
Aged 70 years.
until the day break,
and the shadows flee away.

Also of Kate
wife of the above
who fell asleep on
Dec 28th 1940
in her 97th year
Sleep on beloved.

Also of their daughter
Harriet Ross.
Died Aug 30th 1967
Aged 84 years.
At rest.
From: (Fri Feb 27 12:29:31 2004)
Thank you for this photo. James and Kate (nee Catherine Pengelly) are my Maternal Great Grandparents and were the parents of William James Olds, Butcher, my Grandfather. Brian Benn, Stafford.
From: (Mon Mar 22 10:33:16 2010)
James and Kate were my husbands Great great Grandparents. Henry Olds, brother of William James was his grandfather.

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