Tregerest Cemetery  
Constance Jane Harvey
Mary Elizabeth Warren
Jessie Harvey

Constance Jane Harvey
Mary Elizabeth Warren
Jessie Harvey

Description : In
Ever Loving
Remembrance of
Constance Jane
beloved wife of
Richard Harvey
who died 27th Feb 1907
aged 41 years
Trusting in the Lord

Also of
Mary Elizabeth Warren
mother of the above
who died 21st Jan 1923
Aged 79 years
Asleep in Jesus

also of
Jessie Harvey
daughter of the above
who died 3rd January 1935
aged 42 years
in God's keeping
From: S Barker (Thu Feb 14 16:13:24 2013)
Richard was my great grand uncle on my mother's side; he was married to Constance and Jessie was one of their 4 children.

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