St Just Wesleyan Cemetery  
Diana Angwin
Elizabeth Boyer
Justus Angwin

Diana Angwin
Elizabeth Boyer
Justus Angwin

Description : In Loving Memory of
The beloved wife of
Justus Angwin,
who died at Boswedden Place,
St Just, Nov 20th 1896,
Aged 57 years.
A loving wife, a mother dear,
A faithful friend when she was here:
Her soul is from this earth released,
She lived in hope, she died in peace.
Also of
Elizabeth Boyer,
beloved daughter of above
Who died at St Just, Dec 8th 1900,
Aged 34 years.
Not gone from memory
Not gone from love.
But gone to her fathers home above.
Also of the above Justus Angwin,
who died October 17th 1911, Aged 73 Years.
For ever with the Lord.

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