St Just Wesleyan Cemetery  
Louisa Rowe
James Rowe
George Hocking Rowe
John Rowe M.I.C.E.

Louisa Rowe
James Rowe
George Hocking Rowe
John Rowe M.I.C.E.

Description : In affectionate
remembrance of
the beloved wife of
John Rowe, M.I.C.E.
who died Janry 10th 1882,
aged 66 years.
Blessed are the dead, who die
in the Lord
Also of James their son
who died in India, March 13th 1885,
Aged 26 years.
Also of George Hocking their son
who died April 29th 1890,
Aged 44 years.
Also of the above named
John Rowe, M.I.C.E.
Who died May 7th 1907,
Aged 91 years.
His end was peace.

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