St Just Wesleyan Cemetery  
Thomas S Tregear
Mary Ann Tregear
John Tregear
Mary Tregear

Thomas S Tregear
Mary Ann Tregear
John Tregear
Mary Tregear

Description : In Loving Memory
Thomas S Tregear
Beloved husband of
Mary A Tregear,
Who died May 14th 1913,
Aged 76 years.
Resting on the finished work
of Christ.
Also of Mary Ann,
wife of the above
Who died July 31st 1927,
Aged 91 years.
Looking unto Jesus
Also of
John Tregear,
father of the above
Died May 1871,
Aged 60 years
And of Mary, his wife
Died July 9th 1898,
Aged 87 years.

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