St Just Wesleyan Cemetery  
Richard Hichens Trahair
Mary Trahair
William Arthur Trahair
Ivy Trahair

Richard Hichens Trahair
Mary Trahair
William Arthur Trahair
Ivy Trahair

Description : Richard
Hichens Trahair,
son of
Nicholas and Elizabeth Trahair,
Born May 18th 1848, Died April 14th 1901.
Also of Mary his wife
Born Nov 13th 1846, Died Nov 11th 1941.
William Arthur Trahair,
Born September 8th 1876, Died June 16th 1945,
Younger son.
Also of Ivy, Wife of William Arthur Trahair.
Born Jan 1st 1889, Died Octr 7th 1971.
From: Richard Trahair (Thu Aug 28 11:31:07 2008)
I have weeded this memorial regularly since this photo was taken and will try to continue to do so!
My grandfather Richard Ernest,also a direct descendant of Nicholas and Elizabeth, is buried here with his wife Caroline,and both are commemorated on this stone. Caroline lived in Bosorne during the Second World War with my aunt Ursula, who also ended her days in St Just. My generation stay in Bosorne as often as possible !
From: Sally Morris (Thu Dec 12 09:53:05 2013)
Caroline (Carrie) Trahair, nee Roseveare, was the great-granddaughter of my ancestor Nicholas Roseveare. I'd love to have any more info you can provide!
From: Rob Hichens (Sat Jun 27 04:54:21 2020)
Hi Richard, I am a descendant of Elizabeth Trahair nee Bolitho's grandfather, Richard Hichens. I can give you info on their ancestry if you are interested.

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