Sancreed Graveyard  
Thomas Warren
Mary Warren
Richard Thomas Warren
John Francis Warren
Richard Warren
Mary E Warren
Samuel Warren

Thomas Warren
Mary Warren
Richard Thomas Warren
John Francis Warren
Richard Warren
Mary E Warren
Samuel Warren

Description : In Memory
Thomas Warren,
of this parish,
who died January 4th 1877,
Aged 74 Years.

Also of Mary his wife,
who died July 4th 1876,
Aged 71 Years.

Also in loving memory of the
darling children of
Richard & Mary Warren,
and grandchildren of the above
Richard Thomas,
died November 29th 1877,
Aged 5 Years & 6 Months.
John Francis,
died November 30th 1877,
Aged 2 Years & 10 Months.
Darling boys thy days are ended,
Little traveller's here below;
Go by angel bands attended,
To the arms of Jesus go.

Also the above named
Richard Warren
Who fell asleep in Jesus
April 2nd 1894,
Aged 51 Years.
We all do fade as a leaf.

Mary E Warren
widow of the above
who died at Newbridge
Jan 6th 1936
Aged 89 Years.
Rest at last.

Also of
son of the above
who died Oct 10th 1951
Aged 74 Years.
In God's Keeping.

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